How Guilt Stops You Looking After Yourself

How Guilt Stops You Looking After Yourself

Guilt is one of the most distressful emotions you can experience. And if you let it, it can get in the way of you looking after yourself. When you feel guilty about something, it can have a detrimental effect on your mental health. Once it buries itself inside your mind, guilt is an emotion that’s difficult to switch off.

Overwhelming feelings of guilt can make you want to self-punish by neglecting self-care. Guilt can also force you to keep focusing your energy satisfying the wants and needs of others. People who are on the verge of burnout are often the type of people that can easily put themselves in other’s positions. They’re very insightful, empathetic and intelligent. However, they often end up suspending their own needs and instead occupy their thoughts with what others want.

While putting others needs before your own is an admirable quality to have, it can work against you. Especially if you continue to neglect self-care and your own health. So, in this episode of The Kindness Incorporated Podcast, I reveal why guilt can be a problem. And, what to do when guilt gets in the way of you looking after yourself.

How Guilt Stops You Looking After Yourself


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • Why guilt is pointless and senseless
  • How guilt can keep you ‘stuck’ and how responsibility can help you move on
  • How the brain uses symptoms to alert us to an issue that we need to attend to
  • The difference between having a conscience and feeling guilty
  • An insight into the new ACTION in burnout – INACTION
  • How tiny adjustments can have a big impact

If you enjoyed this episode and want to keep up with The Kindness Incorporated Podcast and video series, please subscribe to the show on your favourite podcast app and on our YouTube channel.

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